Valerie Merrill's Blog

Training Needs Analysis No 1: Know Thy Staff

Posted in Training Needs Analysis, Uncategorized by valeriemerrill on May 31, 2011

How do you communicate with them (daily, face-to-face,  email, meetings, visits, communicator, webinars, and social media: LinkedIn/Twitter)

What do they like to do?
DO they read the paper, do they like presentations?  Do they like to connect together as a group  e.g. social evenings?  Are they playing  games on their Phone?

Do they have small children and would like to nip off 30  mins early and then would they read your communication at home for 30 mins?

Do you have regular training sessions?

Some people do not fill in training needs analysis  information and so observation of how they work is very important.

When you are making changes in your company you want to  engage with your staff as quickly as possible so that they buy-in to the  changes.   They understand the changes that are coming  and what it will mean to them.  They are
positive with the changes and you know it is for the best reasons.

They have been consulted at the start and can take some ownership  of the new system or the new processes.

Tip No 2 is coming along.

Work Life Balance

Posted in Uncategorized by valeriemerrill on May 23, 2011

The question has to be “Do you have work life balance”?  With so many of us working in the virtual world we are “in contact” 24/7 now.   Are you on information overload?  Are you networked out?!  I think a good place to start is to focus and get clarity on what you want.

I have been doing some serious work in coaching with Jo James of Amber Life and Rachel Elnaugh with her magic workshops.   We should all do that once a month, sit down and think and plan.  Start each week with the plan and stick with it.

Build in people who inspire, motivate and who can assist you along the way with your plans.  Share the load and build in some “ME” time.  If you are too tired because you have worked 7 days a week for a few weeks you cannot think straight and it is not good for you or your Brand.  Buy yourself time and energy.  Get some Work and Life Balance.